consists of eminent
educationists and Industry Experts

Being the Apex Body Of The Institute,
the Governing Body consists of eminent educationists, social workers, senior academicians, public personalities, industry experts, and representatives from UGC, Affiliating University and the State Government. The governing Body takes strategic decisions and provides overall directions for development and growth of the institution. The policy decisions taken by this apex body enables the institute in achieving its goal as enshrined in the institutes vision and mission.

The function of education, therefore,is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education
– Martin Luther King Jr.
Governing Body Members

Dr. Satya Ranjan Mandal
Industry Expert & Academician

Prof. Kamal Bhowmik
Industry Expert & Academician

Prof. Shiv K. Tripathi, Ph.D

Industry Expert

Prof. Sudip Sen
Industry Expert

Prof. Sourish Bandyopadhyay
Industry Expert

Dr. Ernst Von Kimakowitz
Industry Expert & Academician

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Amann